Friday, January 24, 2014

Ghost Ship Lyubov Orlova--Still Afloat

I got this from my friend, Inge. I laughed because she had been talking to me about her new novel that included this very ship. For more info, check out her blog,
"Taking one last look at the Yahoo News tonight before shutting my computer down, I almost had a heart attack--well, maybe not quite. But I did scream, "It can't be! That's MY ghost ship!"

Yes, the Lyubov Orlova is the very ghost ship I am giving a new life in my "After the Cataclysm." I surely thought she had long since slipped beneath the waves of the Atlantic and that I was free to do with her as I pleased. At least, I was right about the RATS!

I just hope she is not up to any mischief (such as crashing onto shore) before I finish my novel. Because that would surely ruin my plans for her. And they say the life of a novelist is all make-belief."


  1. Marnie, I appreciate the re-blog of my Rat Saga. After the FBI issued a Wanted-Poster last year for my SIROCCO cover (actually, for the Rembrandt depicted on it), I wonder about my cover and story choices. We'll have to see who comes out ahead. The the ship or my book (to be published in Spring--unless the rats get me first).

  2. As talented as you are, I'm positive that you will win out. Besides, you can always claim salvage rights on the ship.
